Mandatory Fee Arbitration Service
The SCBA Fee Arbitration Program
The Sacramento County Bar Association administers a program to assist clients and attorneys in resolving disputes over fees informally, efficiently, and inexpensively.
In this “Mandatory Fee Arbitration” program, a neutral party (arbitrator) hears evidence from clients and attorneys and determines whether the fees and costs charged by the attorney are reasonable and appropriate under the law. The program is mandatory because a lawyer is required participate if a client files a Client Request to Arbitrate. A client does not have to participate in a fee arbitration if a request is filed by an attorney unless fee arbitration is required under the attorney/client fee agreement or other signed agreement.
The program is available to clients if a substantial portion of the legal services was performed in Sacramento County or if at least one of the attorneys involved in the dispute had an office there at the times the services were rendered. The Program may also hear fee disputes from outside Sacramento County if both client and attorney consent in writing.
The client in a Fee Arbitration need not be represented by an attorney.
For a more detailed explanation of how the Fee Arbitration process works, please see “What Can the Fee Arbitration Program Do for Me?” and “Preparing for the Fee Arbitration Hearing”, two pamphlets prepared by the State Bar of California. See also Tips for Unrepresented Clients Requesting Fee Arbitration for guidance in completing a Client Request to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute form.
For questions or additional information, please contact the SCBA Fee Arbitration Administrator, at 916.604.9726 or feearb@sacbar.org.
How to Request Fee Arbitration
Client Request to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute form (SCBA)
Tips for Unrepresented Clients Requesting Fee Arbitration (guidance in filling out a Request to Arbitrate)
Pre-Hearing Information for Clients
What Can the Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program Do for Me? (State Bar of California)
Preparing for the Fee Arbitration Hearing (State Bar of California)
Post-Hearing Information for Clients
Client’s Request for Enforcement of a Fee Arbitration Award (State Bar of California)